Tips/Trends you may find useful
· Exceptions do exist to any observation/experience
· A good camera backs up an even better story
· Bears will often look bigger from a tree stand
· You will often see the older wiser bears circle your stand/bait location before they commit, be patient
· Bears will rotate in an out of a bait area after approx. 45mins. So do not rush your shot
· Your will experience multiple bears at your location
· Your bear does not have to be harvested on the first evening of your hunt, you will have the opportunity to see and photograph some interesting activity and select the bear you desire
· Excellent shot placement makes for a stress free hunt
· Heart shot bears can bolt 60-80 yards
· After your shot, if the bear bolts beyond your visual field, listen calmly from your stand and note their direction by sound. Bears will often utter a death moan when they expire
· Be aware of females with cubs. It is unlawful to bag a female with cubs. They can; however, make for some comical and delightful footage
· Be alert when you have a smaller bear that is skittish and repeatedly bolts if a squirrel so much as farts or lugs and spits out food away from the bait station. This bear has been caught by a larger bear while feeding and remembers the damage he suffered.
· Smaller dry females at your bait are often a good thing. They will rub their scent all over the surrounding bait site. Larger boars will travel considerable distances throwing caution to the winds to mate and will do so during the daylight at these bait stations.
· Lighted nocks for arrows can save you wasted time and expense
· Bears are tough and often react to lethal hits leaving the hunter questioning their shot placement